Yeah, Odd picture. xD But umm.. I'm always thinking about the future when I'm older. Maybe in my late 30's.. 20's.. It's mainly because there are so many bad influences around us. Like for example, Getting pregnant at an early age. It happens but in reality, it shouldn't...
Our minds is what controls leading to the decisions we make ourselves and honestly speaking? I'm anxious to see how I'll be like. Aren't you?
It's understandable if you aren't, But I'm just saying.. There's rapists who were once decant people (maybe) and child predators (Which I'm worried about becoming).. and and.. PREGNANT MEN. (If that's possible.)
I keep thinking about the most strangest things, though. Once I started to get really emotional, thinking I'll be a druggie in Highschool. It's.. a scary place, so it seems. And lately, I panicked because I kept thinking I'll be a child predator or rapist. IT's a scary thought to be honest. HOWEVER, i do think that there are some moments when you just ponder what you want to be. I want to be a Psychologist or at least a drummer in a rock band. Though if I'm a terrible person who does terrifying things, How can I fulfill those dreams?
I'm not trying to scare anybody, But I'm starting to age and it's my time to think about these things. I don't have the characteristics to be a bad person, But you never know how the future will end up. If only there were true and honest fortune tellers. While I kept thinking about those thoughts, I paused and remembered that I always over react to everything.: I worry too much!
It's actually a habit. But honestly? I'm pretty sure I'm being reasonable at the moment. There are teens who are pregnant, And I'd literally commit suicide if I ever did something that's too beyond. I came from a Family that has no trace of disgusting matters and I haven't been treated harshly at all. (Except for some fights, but that is Family.) How can I stop worrying about the future?
Even though it's normal, It's killing me inside. The one thing that I despise about myself is worrying too much. It's annoying and I can't stop thinking about it. I'm more sad when I'm around friends.
And they're speechless. They've got no advice for me. ..
I know there are some people who are reading this, Anxious about their future.
But let me tell you this and I need to take my own advice like I always do anyhow. ::
Stop worrying about the future, It's the present that we need to worry about. Worrying about the beyond might end up either one of us hurt.. or full of mistakes. It's basically.. a trap. There's nothing wrong wondering about the future, But being overwhelmed about it leads us to being indecisive and too focused on what we're going to be, how we're going to be. Causing the future to end badly.
So my quote of this post is "Don't be overwhelmed. Focus on what's going on right now and create the future you want and not rush things."