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Saturday, June 4, 2011

My conversation with a friend.

Here's my conversation with a friend when I was thinking about making a blog. It's kinda random. <3

  • Me: Yo uwant me to put my real name? Or is that a bad idea?

  • Friend:  theres a bunch of annies just dont put ur last name
    Me: Okay. I'll change it then.
    Would it be bad if I posted a picture? And only one?
    Friend: it doesnt matter

    Me: Yes it does. D: What if some rapist recognizes me?! 
    Friend : lol no rapest reads blogs
  • Me: What if.. someone.. D: It could be dangerous, no?
     Friend: if y=u want but i would at least change my name to annie
    Me: I guess. :/ If I grow more into it and I get more viewers, then I'll be more honest.
  • Friend: ok good luck
    Me: Thanks.
    Randomly : .i like yellow stuff


  1. omg its sarah and i know this girl

  2. Sarah P.... i'm not saying her last name! Wow she is soooo weird lmao
