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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lesson Two: Love and Hate?

Love & Hate. Totally opposite, right? Do you guys know the true definition of Love and Hate?  I know what it is but I'm going to demonstrate and let you actually feel these two. Here.. I'm gonna Google it because Google is Googly awesome? o.e 

Love : An intense feeling of deep affection
You know that kind of love where you just want to be with that special someone, Where you want to hug them, Kiss em', Tell them that you DO LOVE THEM? That feeling where you get so tingly and nervous around your crush, Where you daydream what you or he/she would say once you confess, Where you have thoughts filled with your crush? Everything reminds you of him/her. The thought that says "I love him/her"? Well, Let me break those thoughts and ask you.. Is it Love, Like, or Hate? Like is much more  of a CRUSH. not someone you want to be with all the time, Marry even!  Love is much more intense, So much powerful, That fiery sense. You can't help the fact that this is something you should think about when it comes to Romance. Some people try to dodge it away, thinking Love is not something for them. But.. It is! EVERYONE.. And I don't mean it as a sterotype, EVERYONE falls in love, has a secret crush. Have you guys watched "The 40 year old virgin?" (DON'T READ THIS IF YOU ARE UNDER 13!) LOVED IT. HIlariousss. Especially the part when the kids find the two doing it.  Even though it's a movie, The man lost his virginity. :/ Not everyone will agree, Though I can bet you 1 tomato that everyone will have the feeling of Love.

Hate : Feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone)

That's more something is even more powerful. What is HATE supposed to do? You need to know that Hate is the COMPLETE opposite of Love. While Love is more affectionate, Hate is disgustingly ugly. That should give a good picture. You might hear.."I hate the guys so much, they are SO rude to us." Which I totally get, But using Hate is Elementary level. Not a word you definitely want to say to someone you don't like. So insteead of of saying hate.. use " I just don't like them"  Hate is just.. terrifying. It's a word that can hurt someone so much. Do you really want to hurt someone's heart like that? I know I don't. Okay, yeah. What's the big deal of saying that? But since I'm a Christian, I believe saying meaningful words are really dangerous to use so carelessly. You'll hurt, Lose disrespect and most of all.. The GOOD version of hate : LOVE. 


As said before from many older adults, Watch what you say. You never know what a person is thinking in their minds when the dangerous words are said.

Now that I think of it, I think this post is really pointless. But my main pin point is Love. There are so many people in relationships who are telling their partner "I Love you." Even though.. they don't mean it. But as for hate? Not much people are sensitive (Like me.) But you can't tell what someone is thinking.. truly. So please don't think there's no meaning to this post. I want everyone to realize that Hate & Love is something that is both a verb but also a noun. Verbally as in showing it. Next time you say either Love or Hate, Think twice. 

I'm just pointing this out!~ Don't hate. <3 



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