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Saturday, June 4, 2011


Ohmaigawwwdd, I've got one more exam to do next week. x__x Someone.. KILL exams.
I mean, I wouldn't mind if it was 20 or 30 questions long. But.. GIRL, 56  QUESTIONS? You must be ka-raazy. I totally understand if there was just ONE major test of the year.. But there's multiple exams in MY school. Which ticks me off because I see no point in it for the student's benefit other than that it retrieves their memory. I can't think of anything else, I swear! D: The main pin point of exams is to prove to your teachers..your colleagues that you've learned a lot from them, right? But.. Honeeeeey. I already took TWO tests to Prove to them. D:< No point in it what so ever. ANNND Guess what? IT's end of the year.. Literally 3 days away from School ending.. BUT the countyy decides to make Exaaams instead of partying. Psh, You ain't gotta be some 4th grader to partay. There ain't no age limit to when you can party if school is over. PFT, People be stressin' out TOO MUCH. xD Reeeelaaaaaaaxx. Ya know? But nope, Tests and work is what the teachers have planned. v.v Sigh. Yeah, I wouldda made one test on the last week of school and then..PARTYYYY. ;D 

Anyway, Wish me luck on my Math Exams. I already did two yesterday, But I have two more next week. :c So I gotta study..somehow... Somewaaaay.


  1. i love how you didn't say what two tests you were taking!

  2. exams are sooo stupid. we took math final and our teacher decides it idn't a GRADE!!!! isn't that b.s.!!!

  3. Yeah, It is. But it's okay. Teachers can be sometimes unreasonable. Hey, you're lucky you didn't have a grade. :D
