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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lesson one: Love. Why are they acting so weird?

Love. It's beautifully dangerous. It is like  Rose. A silky red rose and at the bottom, there's always those spiky thorns. Once touched, You'll bleed.
You can tell if your mate is lying, And you can tell if your mate is in love with you.
Just by their actions, It speaks for themselves. If they're reluctant to call you, See you, Even talk talk to you.. It either means.. A: They're super annoyed by your constant nagging and  calling. Or B :They don't like youu. One way to realize they are lying is by their eyes and their movements.
If your boyfriend or Girlfriend fidgets when they are talking to you, They are probably impatient about something. Or they are nervous for some reason.  Asking them what's wrong always gives you an answer. If no answer is given, Highly chances are that they ain't paying attention. If they look at you with no reply, Ask again. Nagging isn't the way to go but you should always ask once more. Tell them.."You're acting strange, What's wrong?" Because they are. And talking it out with your mate is going to work, Trust me. 

And if they roll their eyes around while simultaneously talking to you? Well, There's something DEEFINITELYY going on in their mind. Relationships are always about being comfortable with the person you love. And you can't say that you love someone so carelessly. People at a young age who are in relationships aren't sure what true love is.  The question is : Why is she/he so strange towards me? There are many different possibilities but I think the main answer is that They want to tell you something important. But it really depends on the situation. If they called you, Then it's definitely something they wanna get off their chest. If you casually called them, They probably wanna get out. ORR.. The person just doesn't feel like talking to you. It all should relate onto their personality. Ask yourself, "What have they done/said to me in the past few days?"  And just like in a passage, finding different answers in different paragraphs.. Build up the answers together and you should get your answer like that. 

LOL. Okay, So I'm watching Luan Legacy. He is SOOO freakin' awesome. He'd be like my best friend who is Gay. xD And he was talking about Texting and he said "And don't you ever text me with that Sperm-like symbol." And guess what he was talking about?

~ He was talking about THAT. XD  Love him.

1 comment:

  1. You r just halirus! but...get a life! don't YOU have better things to do?
    kidding! i love ur blog! is this ALL?
