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Monday, June 6, 2011

Why is everything Gay now?

So, I'm in Middle school okay. And.. the guys aren't bad, it's just.. They overuse the word Gay. Nowadays, There's all sorts of comebacks if someone says "You're Gay." to a female. "Yeah, I do like guys."  And if they don't use Gay, Guess what they use? Fail. I mean, I do say it sometimes too but.. really? .. Really? Fo Real? They just ruin the conversation. Gay is an sexuality, Not some insult. You realize some homosexuals can be offended? Maybe it's just me, But I think saying "Gay.. Dude, That's gay." is completely unnecessary. Don't their momma tell them what Gay is? Well.. It would be a pretty awkward conversation but  hell.. It's worth it~ Again.. GAY is a SEXUALITY. It's not something you would reply to  if your friend was wearing plaid shoes, Which I thought is pretty awesome. Plaid looks good on anybody. But shoes can be Gay? Right..right.. And you know the object's sexuality? You... might wanna see a psychiatrist, Bro.

Now I totally understand if a guy was saying that, Because that's just how they are. They aren't Gay, They just like to say it as an insult... all ... the..time.  But dude. You overuse the word "gay" and "fail"I literally hear those two almost everyday..

I could see if you said it once in a while, But almost every insult is "Gay" And the replies to that is even more worse. Just what reminisces through their mind? What is Gay to people anyway? Is it bad to be a homosexual or something? Not really. Legalize homosexuality! They Prooooobably think Gay is just fun to say. I know I got a good point here, Becauseee.. Gay is a sexuality. Even if it's a joke, It's not really funny to be honest.
So the quote of this post it...

"Gay isn't funny to say."

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