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Friday, June 3, 2011


Okay, Yeah. So I'm Annie. I can't be really specific about my personal life because of private reasons and internet safety. Sad, right? I just don't want to get in trouble from my school for talking crap and get some creepish stalkers. But all the information I submitted on my profile is TRUE. Please keep that in mind.<3  I'm mostly going to blog using words, But I might consider publishing video using my microphone, and it's kinda sad but I wouldn't show my face. So PLEASE watch. :D My point in making blogs is to make my audience to laugh and learn from it, even though I'm still young I know some things that happened to me that some people should be aware about. Mostly, I'd talk about myself so everyone knows what my personality is. There really isn't anything other than the fact that I LOVE being random and that my safety is incredibly important on the internet, especially. I don't lie all the time.. but I do since we're all humans. Though I won't let out any other information other than the things like my name, And well my age is pretty young,  13. But there's a lot of 13 year olds out there so I guess that fact doesn't really matter.  But I'm not gonna tell you where I live in. I DO live in.. Earth.~ :D So please understand that safety is my main priority on the internet. Don't ask for more. <3


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