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Monday, June 6, 2011

Lesson four: Life is unpredictable.

   Tests. Ahhh.. Our main weaknesses in school. Some people actually ace tests, Like me. But there's always one major test at the end of the year, Besides exams. I finished the test in March, A few weeks back after spring break. (Which was tiring and boring. ) So the school got the tests back, right. My math is a 360, Which I'm super happy about. But.. my reading? I got a freakin' 323. I'm gonna have to take Reading again. The score I should've got is 330 to not take reading. And once my teacher told me, I was stunned. Why.. Why didn't I get it? Am I really that bad in Reading? I'm so good with reading, though. But why did I decrease? The news came from may teacher, My reading teacher. Who.. I think is humorous and I don't even get homework from the class. All I do is read in the class.. majority of the year I spent in the class. I don't know many people that feel the same about me. I don't know if I have or will make friends in that class.. I'm scared, you know. When I was crying, I just bawled my eyes out pondering.. Why isn't there anybody that can cheer me up even the slightest? Why can't there be at least one person in this world who will stop my tears? Now.. That may be me overreacting but trust me, Having confidence and then breaking it by failure is ugly.. It lowers the self-esteem and not only did I feel like beating myself up for it. (Which I still do.) It makes me feel ridiculously stupid. I could have done better than that.. 

  You think you would get at least a higher score or you would get what you expected, But once you don't how do you feel? ( Leave a comment below!~:p) I feel like ... filth. Just disgusting filth, to the point where I would try an bang my head against the head. Okay, right. I totally agree, I'm getting a little too over board.But education is my main priority. Over everything, really. I know, It's pretty low. But Family and friends are squished into my 1st. I can't really give it places.. So it's hard.

  In addition to that note, Explaining to your friends about the good or bad news, It's even more difficult. due to the fact that one may just randomly change the subject about something so irrelevant and talk over you. Which I totally understand, It really gets you angry because your friends won't listen to you. Even when you have awesome news! My family once said.. " Why don't you have any friends that understand you?" There aren't many good friends that will always listen to you and comfort you whenever you're feeling depressed. I would try to, but not many people at a young age can be very detailed with their help they are trying to give you. I apparently have the best advice from most of my friends, I have no clue where I get it from. But sooner or later, Someone will take advantage of the courtesy and help. Which isn't nice. xD

    The point is Always listen to friends even though you got a better score or whatever and help them out. They don't need your helpless bragging and helpless plagues (To continue stress, not the disease. O.o ) 

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